RankBot for Discord!

RankBot is a well rounded Twitch announcement bot for your Discord. It allows you to have multiple alerts, with individual ping roles. It also enables the ability to change the server icon whenever streamers are live, with your own images!

Add it here: Add RankBot on Discord


/addalert twitchname then follow the prompts for the other options

/downloadofflinelogo will pull down the current logo and use it any time there isn’t anyone live.

/downloadonlinelogo will pull down the current logo and use it for any live streams. To update either one of these, just upload a new icon to the server and re-run the command.

/editalert twitchname
/removealert twitchname

/listalert will show all alerts

iResultBot for Discord!

iResultBot is the perfect addition for a iRacer that streams! Keep your Discord members informed of recent race results, or just make fun of your friends that get last place in a 400 iRating SOF.

Add it here: Add iResultBot on Discord


/addalert memberID  to add an alert. MemberID is from the iRacing website. Get it here.

/listalert will display all current alerts in the channel.

/removealert memberID will remove that member’s alerts from the channel if they exist.


To call any command, a member must have MANAGE_MESSAGES.


iResultBot screenshot